Course: Understanding The Attributes of Allah
1st 4 Education PRESENTS
Understanding the Attributes of Allah
A one-day course on understanding the attributes of Allah under Shaykh Dr. Abul Hasan Hussain Ahmed. A reading of Jawhara at-Tawhid of Imam Ibrahim al-Laqani will also be done inshaAllah.
A unique opportunity to learn about how Sunni Islam from the days of the Salaf to the Khalaf understood the attributes (Sifat) of Allah.
The course will cover the scholarly acclaimed “Jawhara al-Tawhid” of Imam Ibrahim al-Laqani, a text widely taught throughout the world.
The poem sets out the tenets of Tawhid (the foundation of Faith) in a way that allows students to understand the intricacies of the Creed. It is therefore regarded as a foundational, yet detailed – primer in becoming acquainted with the science of Scholastic Theology (Ilm al-Kalam).
Course instructor:
Shaykh Dr. Abul Hasan Hussain Ahmed’s biography.
Date: Sunday 28th October 2018
Time: 11:00am to 5:00pm
Open to Ulamā, Ālimahs and serious students of knowledge. Suitable for non-Ālims (brothers & sisters) who have a strong desire to learn more about Sunni creed. Written ijāzah available upon request (and full attendance). Brothers and sisters welcome (strict segregation will be observed)
Course fee/Admission:
£15 includes course materials Lunch & Light Refreshments provided. Full details available upon registration.
1st 4 Education
Windsor Park Community Centre
20 Warwall
London E6 6WG
Buses: 173 | 366 | 376 | 101 | 262 | 474 | 300
Trains: Beckton and Cyprus DLR Stations
For more Information/enrolment:
telephone: 020 3411 5354
Online registration mandatory.

Assalamualaikum sheikh
The previous edition of Understanding the attributes of allah changed my life and clarified many doubts will this edition have a live audiocast or will i be able to PURCHASE IT ONLINE through
Sheikh may allah reward you
this society is badly in need of aqeedah clarifications and lecture series like these should be made worldwide so that many like me can benefit from it
Jazakallahu khairan
Assalamu alaikum. I missed this course, i didn’t see it online until today, is it possible to get the recording? Also, I have the ijaazah from the Shaykh in the aqeedah Tahawi, is it possible to get for this work as well after listening to the recording? Even if that isn’t, I would still like the recording jazakumullahu khairan. I teach aqidah in one of the madaaris in the U.S.A. I would greatly appreciate it, jazakumullahu khairan once again.