EXCLUSIVE: Al-Hadith al-Musalsal bi Yawmil ‘Eid – Live

This is an unique opportunity to hear the live transmission of a rare type of narration known as a Musalsal Hadith (patterned chain narration), which was transmitted by scholars through the ages solely on the day of Eid with a chain of transmission (isnad) extending all the way back from our time to the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).

The recital will be carried out by Dr. Abul Hasan Hussain Ahmed, and  a short introduction on the significance of the isnad system in early Islam as well as the definition of what is a Musalsal Hadith will also be provided with examples.

To listen please use the following link on the actual Eid day:  http://mixlr.com/darultahqiq/

The time of the broadcast will be on Eid day which may be Sunday 25th or Monday 26th June 2017.  The time being: 12-30PM (UK time/British summer time).  See the following to check the current UK time – https://time.is/

Please circulate the  poster on the above banner to your interested contacts to share the reward and benefit from this unique opportunity.


This is a free event and a written chain of transmission for the text can be obtained on request by contacting us on this very site.  On contacting us please mention your name and where you reside.

 Examples of the Musalsal of Eid being recited:


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  1. Assalaamu alaikum
    I intend to hear the recitation of the Musalsal Hadith on Eid In Sha Allah. Can you kindly grant me an Isnad please.

    Ahmad Mosbally

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