divine attributes [ṣifāt] direction [jiha] corporeality [jismiyya] anthropomorphism [tashbīh] divine transcendence [tanzīh] verification [taḥqīq] spiritual knowledge [maʿārif] unbelief [kufr]
Imam Ibn Ḥajar al-Haytamī’s (d. 974 AH) Fatwa on the Ḥanbalī Creed: Distinguishing Between Imam Aḥmad’s Position and Later Interpretations, with Analysis of al-Jīlānī’s al-Ghunya and Response to Ibn Taymiyya
This fatwa addresses the interpretation of divine attributes [ṣifāt] in Ḥanbalī theology, specifically defending Imam Aḥmad ibn Ḥanbal’s position on…
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